This is not a poem, this is a call to action

Christian Hankel
2 min readMay 27, 2021


You are not broken.

The sudden waves of red rage, the overwhelming tides of sadness and shame, the paralyzing numbness, the loss of all language and emotion behind black walls inside your brain. The fear, the distrust, the crushing loneliness.

These are not flaws. These are symptoms.

You are not a nameless tourist, lost and wandering, irrelevant, inside your own mind. You are not a failed friend, partner or parent. You are not a self-destructive loser.

You are a survivor.

Your brain performed amazing feats to protect you from the horror, the pain, the confusion and the betrayal that was forced upon you when you were defenseless, innocent, a trusting soul that just wanted to be loved, needed to be loved. You survived that which should have crushed you and every day of your life you overcome odds and roadblocks that non-survivors can only imagine. Every success you have achieved is a testament to your strength and perseverance.

You are not alone.

There are so many of us. We understand. And there are people who want to help, who know how to help. Pick up the phone. You deserve to heal.



Christian Hankel

Father, partner, cook, gardener, technologist, survivor.